Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I surrender

Fine. I give up. Against the unrelenting barrage, I hearby surrender and I resign from the reality based community. It's just too hard to argue facts and reality in the face of unrelenting belief.

It's just easier.

I want to believe that the WMD were found in Iraq, even though the Pentagon says they weren't.

I want to believe that reality TV isn't staged, even when it obviously is.

I want to believe that Wolverine is the coolest comic book character in the universe, even though he's nothing but a homicidal maniac.

I want to believe intelligent design because I'm told it's better than believing we're descended from monkeys, even though that isn't what the theory of evolution says.

I want to believe that Rick Santorum really does live in Pennsylvania, despite his own admission that his spends about a month total here.

I want to believe these things. But I can't. Because I can't shut my brain off long enough.

Good night, America. I have a job interview tomorrow.


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