Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Happy Fasnaught Day

To much of the world, the day before Ash Wednesday is known as Mardi Gras as a result of the famous celebration in New Orleans. This year, all of the news programs have devoted considerable airtime to stories about how residents of Nawleans have struggled to rebuild in the wake of Katrina. From the few I watched, most seemed to try to find the upbeat as the city has vowed to show the world that this Mardi Gras will be the best ever.

But, in Central Pennsylvania, this day is known as Fasnaught Day. Instead of a parade of drunken dabauchery, the Pennsylvania Dutch prepare for the coming of the austerity of Lent by making fasnaughts, which are small round pastries with a hole in the center.

Yep, while people in New Orleans are having a wild party, we Penn Dutchies celebrate by making donuts.


Glad I'm on a diet this year.


At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You obviously have not had a fasnaught!! If you had you would forget the diet for the day.


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